Cambridge Judge Business ve İşletme Okulu
Cambridge Judge Business ve İşletme Okulu


Cambridge Judge Business ve İşletme Okulu Location

South England

Cambridge Judge Business ve İşletme Okulu



South England


Cambridge Executive MBA Director’s Scholarship
Scholarship Name Cambridge Executive MBA Director’s Scholarship
Academic Year 2024
Scholarship amount 10% of Tuition Fee

Type of funding:



Cambridge EMBA, Global Executive MBA


Cambridge Judge Business School


10% of the tuition fee

No of awards:

5-10 awards

Application deadline:

Rolling until awarded


All successful EMBA applicants can apply for an Executive MBA Director’s Scholarship, including those awarded a needs-based bursary.

This scholarship is awarded at the discretion of the Programme Director. This happens after the needs-based bursaries have been awarded, in the interests of fairness.

Eligibility Criteria

This scholarship is open to all applicants.

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